BIG Healthcare Consulting
Increase Profitability Through Meaningful
System and Cultural Improvements
Increase Profitability Through Meaningful System and Cultural Improvements
Our Trusted Approach
As a training and consulting company, we work with and train an intitial “pilot team” when approaching a project. The team will then work together on the following:
- Baseline the current-state system
- Analyze the patient flow (with the aid of our Total Analysis Software Package)
- Suggest possible process improvement solutions and ways to eliminate waste & risks/safety concerns and add value
- Implement the new process and create a set of standard steps utilizing our Lean Hospital Track approach
- Check the status post-implementation, then train the staff while developing Lean Leadership skills to the directors and supervisors with a focus on “Respect for Humanity”
- Sustainment tools are embedded into the system in order to ensure continued success with the implementation

Our Trusted Approach
As a training and consulting company, we work with and train an intitial “pilot team” when approaching a project. The team will then work together on the following:
- Baseline the current-state system
- Analyze the patient flow (with the aid of our Total Analysis Software Package)
- Suggest possible process improvement solutions and ways to eliminate waste & risks/safety concerns and add value
- Implement the new process and create a set of standard steps utilizing our Lean Hospital Track approach
- Check the status post-implementation, then train the staff while developing Lean Leadership skills to the directors and supervisors with a focus on “Respect for Humanity”
- Sustainment tools are embedded into the system in order to ensure continued success with the implementation

BIG Business Assessments
Options range in duration from a plant visit and informal report to a fully documented week long assessment

One-on-One Advising and Mentorship

Big Business Assessments
Options range in duration from a plant visit and informal report to a fully documented week long assessment

One-on-One Advising
& Mentorship
Examples of Some of our Clients
Lean Care Track Delivers Less Than 8 Minute Door to Doctor Time!
Watch This Video Below To Learn More About Our Lean Health Care Track, Recently Implemented at Golisano Children’s Hospital

Reach out to Business Improvement Group today and we will be happy to assist you in your next endeavour. Together, we can achieve extraordinary outcomes.